My next post will feature the work of Viktor Frankl, who was professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Vienna Medical School until his death in 1997.
Frankl survived the horror of the Holocaust and emerged from the experience with lessons in how to survive after experiencing tragedy. He found the key to survival was through meaning.
I first read this book as a teenager and have re-read the book periodically throughout my life. What I learned then and am still learning is that the quality of your life is determined by the meaning you assign to it. Knowing how to create meaning in your life can completely transform it.
I hope you will pick up a copy of this book or download it to your device. It will truly make you see your life differently and greatly increase the appreciation for all that you have.
Note: I do not receive a commission as described below from the sale of this book. Amazon does not allow affiliates in my state. Amazon has the lowest price that I have found on this book which is why I’m sharing their link. It’s a great book and worth adding to your collection.