Why Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits Are More Than Just Artist Selfies

Rembrandt’s self-portraits have been fascinating artists for over 400 years. But, what makes Rembrandt’s self-portraits stand out from the rest? What is it about his paintings that have allowed them to endure the test of time?

Self-portraits have been a prominent part of art history for centuries, with many famous artists throughout history choosing to paint themselves.

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3 Things I Have Learned Copying Master Paintings

3 Things I Have Learned Copying Master Paintings

Artists have been copying master paintings for centuries and for good reason – there is so much that can be learned! More than 25 years ago, I participated in a “Copycat” show at The Burkholder Project in Lincoln, NE where I shared a studio for awhile with several artists. As a successful working artist, Anne Burkholder has always been an inspiration for me and I loved being a part of her world.

3 things I have learned copying master paintings

The painting I chose to copy was “Breakfast In Bed” by Mary Stevenson Cassatt, 25″x 29″ oil on canvas painted in 1897. The title card above shows photos I took of the original painting which resides at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. I loved this painting

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