Painting Realistic Curly Fur in Oil – 9 Tips

graphic for Curly White Fur article on how to paint realistic curly white fur. 4 images of a painting of a dog with curly white hair. The largest image on the left is finished. The smaller 3 images are in various stages of painting. Text reads "Painting Realistic Curly Fur". Painting by Shelley Hanna.

Painting realistic curly fur is definitely not for the faint of heart. Painting straight white fur is hard enough, but conquering the twists and turns of realistic curly fur is a challenge that can level up your skills as an artist. I’ll share everything I learned while painting this Bichon Frise portrait with all his luscious locks so you can approach your own curly portrait paintings with confidence.

In this painting tutorial, I’ll cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding the Anatomy of Realistic Curly Fur
  2. Choosing the Right Materials
  3. Preparing the Canvas
  4. Sketching the Subject
  5. Laying Down the Base Colors
  6. Building Texture with Layers
  7. Adding Highlights and Shadows
  8. Finishing Touches and Fine Details
  9. Tips on Drying Time

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