How I Paint On The iPad – A Step-By-Step Portrait in ArtRage

Today I will show you how I paint on the iPad, creating a step-by-step portrait in ArtRage. This program is an inexpensive drawing and painting app for the iPad that allows you to create realistic oil paintings that feels intuitive and natural. Plus, it’s a blast to play with.

Paint on the iPad step-by-step portrait in ArtRage

The final painting was inspired by a photo I found on the Sktchy app. Sktchy is a great resource for artists looking for

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The Final Portrait Challenge Paintings

The portrait challenge paintings are finished! Some of the paintings I love and a couple I don’t like at all. One was a huge experiment with a new medium that became a bit of a nightmare. Overall, I think the challenge was a success and I learned a lot, which was the whole point for me.

portrait challenge paintings - Final 10

Sktchy #30faces30days challenge – Final 10

If you missed my first two posts about the #30faces30days challenge, you can find the first one here and the second one here.

The days will be out-of-order as I split the last twenty paintings into

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