Should Artists Sign Their Paintings? Why is it important?

Whether an artist should or shouldn’t sign their paintings seems to create a lot of confusion, especially for beginning artists. When do you sign it? Where do you sign it? Why should you sign it? These are all questions I’ll answer today.

Sign Paintings Title Card

Before getting into all the details, I’ll let you know a few basic things right now. An artist should always sign their paintings because it achieves 3 things: 

  • It creates authenticity
  • Helps future collectors identify the work and
  • Gives the artist a sense of completion

Of course, there is much more to it than the list above. There is also how to sign, where to sign, what to sign and when to sign along

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Why Paint Upside Down? 15 Helpful Painting Hacks

It’s always exciting to start a painting, but there are a lot of simple painting hacks that can make the process much easier. Below you’ll find 15 helpful painting hacks that I’ve used and some that other artists have shared with me throughout the years.

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Helpful Painting Hacks #1 – Paint Upside Down

I learned this amazing trick decades ago, but continue to use it nearly every time I paint. When you look at your painting for too long, something bizarre

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How To Paint White Fur – Painting A White German Shepherd Step-By-Step

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Knowing how to paint white fur may not seem like that big of a challenge until you try it. The trick is to not paint white fur with white paint – at least not at first.

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In today’s tutorial, I’ll walk you through step-by-step how I painted this beautiful white German Shepherd named Maiden. I’ll go over some of the challenges I had with the lighting of the fur and how to model it. I’ll also talk about how I decided when to

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Can You Paint Oil Paint Over Acrylic Paint?

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When I first started painting in oils, I wasn’t sure if I could paint oil paint over acrylic paint. There seemed to be a lot of rules about layering with oils and mediums and it was a little confusing.

can I paint oil paint over acrylic paint title

I decided to take an oil painting class to make sure I was doing things the right way. During the class, I told a fellow painter I painted in acrylics for many years. She told me you CAN paint oil paint over acrylic paint, but never acrylic over oil. Why? Because paints with a higher oil to pigment ratio (fat) must always be layered over paint with a lower oil to pigment ratio (lean). After doing more research, I’ve found more useful tips and information when painting oils and acrylics that I think you’ll find beneficial, so keep reading.

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What is Value in Art? The #1 Way to Improve Your Painting

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Value may not seem like the most exciting topic to cover when creating art, but it is vital. It is the most fundamental aspect of any work of art. Value can make or break the structure of your work if you don’t get it right. Understanding value can improve your work dramatically.

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“Duke” will be featured in an upcoming tutorial.

What is Value?

Value – along with line, color, shape, form, space, and texture – is one of the 7 visual elements of art. It is the range of tone between black and white (light and dark) that underlie color. Value indicates the source of light, the shape of an object and depth in space.

Think of it as taking a color picture on your phone and then changing it to black and white. You’ve desaturated the color out of the photo and are left with

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Impressionist Flower Painting PLUS How To Paint Silver & Fabric

When I set out to do this impressionist flower painting, I wanted to learn more about how to capture the energy and essence of nature’s beauty. Artists have been painting flowers for centuries and I had painted a flower or two in my youth, but I didn’t remember how hard they were to do.



I decided to do what I thought was a simple still life of a flower. I found a pretty rose, busted out my favorite silver sugar bowl and a piece of canvas for a tablecloth. In my mind, I thought the painting would take me four hours to paint. I have no idea where that delusion came from. My simple still life had some very

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Pet Portrait Painting: Watch Me Paint A Pug

Pet portrait painting a pug – it may not be easy to say three times fast, but I’ll make it easy to go through each step. You’ll learn my approach to painting black fur, creating a focal point, my painting challenges in oil and how I decide when the painting is “done”.

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All of the images from this article are screenshots from a video I did while painting this pug. The video should appear on the screen somewhere on this page, but you can always head over to my YouTube channel to see the full video.

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How To Paint A Cat On The iPad Pro – Digital Painting Tutorial

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Learn how to paint a cat following along with this painting tutorial on the iPad Pro. Whether you are a traditional or digital artist, this approach will help you develop your skills and get results. As with any tool in the artist’s toolbox, it takes practice and patience to achieve a quality piece of fine art. Artists are visual learners and seeing the process step-by-step can help you understand how to create portraits of your own.

Learn how to paint a cat digital painting tutorial

This portrait features a very special cat named Tippy. He was a feral cat (thus the tipped ear) who decided he liked humans and living indoors. I met him at a local pet store where the lovely women of Diva Cat Rescue had him up for adoption. He was such a handsome boy I had to paint his portrait to help get him and the organization

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Tips For Painting Silver Objects – Tutorial

Painting silver objects tips Painting silver objects step-by-step

In today’s article, I’ll be going over 9+ tips and tricks for painting silver objects. When I took up painting again a little over a year ago, I found myself wanting to paint reflective surfaces for some unknown reason.

Tips for painting shiny objects

Painting silver objects or shiny things can seem very daunting at first, but when you break the reflections down into

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3 Things I Have Learned Copying Master Paintings

3 Things I Have Learned Copying Master Paintings

Artists have been copying master paintings for centuries and for good reason – there is so much that can be learned! More than 25 years ago, I participated in a “Copycat” show at The Burkholder Project in Lincoln, NE where I shared a studio for awhile with several artists. As a successful working artist, Anne Burkholder has always been an inspiration for me and I loved being a part of her world.

3 things I have learned copying master paintings

The painting I chose to copy was “Breakfast In Bed” by Mary Stevenson Cassatt, 25″x 29″ oil on canvas painted in 1897. The title card above shows photos I took of the original painting which resides at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. I loved this painting

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